Conduct On-Line Performance Evaluation


The Performance Evaluation process has two steps, Establishing Measurement Criteria and Rating Employee Performance. This job aid describes how to use CAPPS on-line functionality to rate employee performance. To comply with HHS policy


- Rate employee performance before the end of their probationary period and then annually thereafter.

- Rate performance when the employee transfers or terminates.

- Rate the performance of all of your employees before you leave your manager position.  


For further information about Conducting Evaluations, see the HHS HR Policy Manual, Chapter 9, and Performance Management User Guide. Both are available to you from the CAPPS Home page.





Select the Manager Self-Service link. The items of the Manager Self-Service link will display.


Select the Performance Management Home link. The Performance Management menu items will display.


Select the Current Documents link. The Current Performance Documents page will display.


The Current Performance Documents page will list employees for whom you have performance documents in place. Select the link named HHS Performance for the employee’s whose performance you will rate. The Document Details page will display.


To begin rating the employee's performance, select the Start link for the step, Complete Manager Evaluation. If you have begun the evaluation but have previously saved and left the document, select the Edit link. The Manager Evaluation page will display.


Section Two - Rate Task Performance


Navigate to Section Two - Tasks and Standards. Select the Expand link. The Task Titles, Descriptions, and Measurements will display.


For the first task, select the Rating Description button. A page will display an explanation of the rating scale.


Review the definition of the ratings. Thinking about the employee's task performance over the time period, select the Checkbox next to the rating that describes the employee's performance of the task.


Choose the Select Proficiency button.  You will be returned to the Manager Evaluation page.


Place your cursor in the Comments field for the first task. Type comments that support your rating. If you want, select the book with the checkmark above it (the Spell Check icon), to review the spelling in the comments you’ve written.


Navigate to an unrated task. Select the Dropdown arrow for the Rating field. The rating values will display.


Select the rating that best describes how well your employee performed this task.


Place your cursor in the Comments field. Enter comments that support your rating. Rate all tasks. If the employee has not had the opportunity to perform a task, select "Not Applicable" for that task. Periodically, select the Save button.


At the end of Section 2, under the header, Tasks and Standards Summary, select the Calculate Rating button. It is the icon that looks like a calculator. The system will average the ratings you have identified. The section rating will be the average of the ratings you have awarded, rounded to nearest whole number. If you selected "NA" for any task, that rating won't be used in the calculation.


You can't override the rating calculation for the tasks and standards section. You can override the calculated rating when you select a rating for the Overall Summary. 


Section 3 - Rate an Employee's Work Behavior


Performance Dimensions describe expectations for how an employee conducts him or herself in the workplace.  These work behaviors are considered important for every employee of Texas Health and Human Services agencies. In Section 3, you rate the employee's display of these behaviors or "dimensions of performance."


Navigate to Section 3 - Performance Dimensions. Select the Expand link. The Performance Dimensions behaviors will display.


For each Performance Dimension, review the statements that describe what that behavior "looks like." Evaluate the employee's behavior in relation to these statements. Select the Dropdown arrow for the Rating field. The ratings will display.


Select a Rating. The value you chose will populate the Rating field.


In the Comments field for each Dimension, enter how the employee meets, exceeds, or is deficient related to the Performance Dimension. When your employee manages, provide a rating and comment for the Supervisory Skills dimension. When the employee is not a manager, select the rating of "Not Applicable" for this dimension.


After rating the employee's performance of all Performance Dimensions, navigate to the Performance Dimensions Summary. Select the Calculate Rating button. The overall rating for Performance Dimensions will be the average of individual ratings, rounded to nearest whole number.  If you selected "NA" for any dimension, this rating won't be used in the calculation.


You can't override the calculation for this section. Later, when you select a Rating for the Overall Summary, you can override that rating for the employee's overall performance


Section 4 – Plan Employee Development


When you give an employee a rating of less than 3 for any item, policy requires you to create a development plan to help the employee improve his or her performance. You may have multiple developmental plans for one evaluation.


It's best practice to write a development plan for all employees. This promotes the productivity of your department and encourages employee growth.


Select the Add Development Plan link. The Add Development Plan page will display.


Enter a Title for the Development Plan.


In the Description field, enter the plan objective and target date. Select the Update button. You will be returned to the Manager Evaluation page.


Section 5 – Summarize Progress for the Previous Development Plan


In the Comments field of the Development Plan Summary, type a description of the employee's achievement of any development plan that was in place for the previous performance period. If no plan was in place, type “NA.”




Section 6 - Overall Summary


Select the Calculate Rating button. If you have neglected to rate individual task or performance dimensions, you will get an error message. Otherwise, the calculated rate (average of all ratings rounded to nearest whole number) will display.


When the employee has performance achievements or deficits that justify adjustment of the calculated rating, select the Override link. For example, if an employee spends about 80% of her time performing a task and earned a rating of (4) for this task, you might decide to change a calculated overall rating of (3) to a rating of (4).


To override the overall rating, select the Override link. The Ratings field for the Overall Summary will become active.


Select the Rating Dropdown arrow.


Select the adjusted Rating.


In the Comments field, summarize the employee's overall performance. This statement is to be complete enough to justify the overall rating.


The Add Attachments Link


If you have electronic documents related to the employee's performance, you may choose to attach these to the evaluation by selecting the Add Attachment link.


The Printer and Mail Icons


If you want to print, save, or send a PDF version of the evaluation to someone, select the Printer icon. A PDF Viewer window will open and give you the opportunity to print, e-mail, or save a printable version of your employee's evaluation. You may want to print or save a PDF copy of the evaluation to use when you meet with the employee about the evaluation. You may use this feature to send the evaluation to your manager for a second-level review.


The Letter icon lets you send a quick e-mail message to the employee. If you use this e-mail functionality, it appears that you can e-mail anyone from this screen but the only recipient will be the employee.


The Save Button


Throughout the rating process you should periodically be saving your work. If you get to this point and decide you're not ready to make the evaluation available for the employee's review - perhaps you need to get some further information - select the Save button.


Available for Review


Select the Available for Review button when you are ready for your employee to review the performance ratings and comments. The Available for Review confirmation page will display.


Select the OK button to confirm you are ready to make the evaluation ready for your employee to view.  Your employee will get an e-mail notice to review the online evaluation through CAPPS Employee Self Service.


Mark Review Held


Meet with the employee to discuss the ratings and comments. If you decide to change ratings and comments, re-open the document to edit it. See the topic and job aid, Re-open Performance Document.


After you've met with the employee, open the Current Documents. The Document Details page will display.


Select the Mark Review Held link. The Manager Evaluation page will display.


Select the Review Held button.  The Review Held confirmation page will display.


Select the OK button. The evaluation is now ready for acknowledgement, preferably by the employee. 



Acknowledge an Evaluation for an Employee


If the employee does not acknowledge the final evaluation in five working days, remind him or her of this task. If the employee refuses or is unable to do this, acknowledge the evaluation on his or her behalf. Without acknowledgement and completion, the employee's performance evaluation may become delinquent.


Return to the Document Details page using the Current Documents link under the Performance Management menu. Select the current document associated with the employee. The Document Details page will display.


Select the Acknowledge link. The Manager Evaluation page will display.


Select the Acknowledge Review button. The Acknowledge Evaluation for Employee page will display.


Select "Manager Override" if your employee is not available to acknowledge the evaluation. If the employee refused to acknowledge, select "Employee Refused."

Then select the OK button. The Document Details page will confirm that you have acknowledged the evaluation.


Completing an Evaluation


On the Document Details page, select the Complete link in the Next Action column. The Manager Evaluation page will display.


Select the Complete button. The Complete Evaluation confirmation page will display.


Once an evaluation is complete, it cannot be changed. When you are certain you are done, select the Complete button on the Complete Evaluation confirmation page.


You and the employee can always view, print, and save completed evaluations using the Historical Documents link under the Performance Management Home menu. End